Hi, I’m Julia, a Perth copywriter.

Hi, I’m Julia, a Perth copywriter.

Writer. Traveller. Human Flamingo.

I’m known for turning my conversations into walking Disney musicals, I’m obsessed with Eurovision and I appreciate a good Simpsons quote.

But other than that….I am an experienced freelance writer, content strategist and copywriter specialising in travel, lifestyle, entertainment, real estate and errr, dating – yep, I have been called an Aussie Carrie Bradshaw a few times!

I hail from the most isolated capital city Perth, Australia. I love my sunny hometown, but I got stung hard with the travel bug – so hard that not even the toughest mossie repellent could help combat my ‘happy addiction’. So off I went, changing degrees to complete a Bachelor in Tourism and Public Relations. Since then, I have worked in various roles within the travel and media industries, including SBS in Sydney and have called Estonia, England and France home.

My travels lead me into writing – the most exciting journey I have ever been on.

I like to write in such a way to uplift the reader and put a smile on their face. Life is too short for dull words, and it’s all about creating content that connects and converts with wordsmith pizazz.

My travelling ego is The Roaming Flamingo. Why the name? I have always loved flamingos, especially when seeing them out in the wild, and I think they are the perfect bird to convey my flamboyant side. Plus, those pink feathers travel a lot too! 

I currently contribute to Australia’s biggest travel publications Traveller, Escape, Explore Travel and We Are Explorers.

Why work with me?

Want work to be more fun, less…well, feeling like actual work? Here, here! I get you! Of course, you want a professional to get the job down but it can also be done with a spoonful of enthusiasm too. (Maybe even with a personal jingle too!)

My 13-plus years in travel and tourism has taught me a lot about the industry but most importantly, how to engage with people from all walks of life. And with those meet and greets and travels abroad came the stories.

I have worked as a freelance writer, content strategist and copywriter for over six years, writing for the big guns. My work has been featured in major media publications around the world, including New York Post, The Sun, News.com.au, SBS (Eurovision correspondent), Elite Daily, Australian Financial Review, Domain.com.au, Body + Soul, Channel Nine, Culture Trip, Intrepid Travel, Urban Adventures, Jetstar Asia, AWOL, Caravan World, Coastal Aviation, Travel Africa magazine to name a few. Some of my articles have achieved viral status and I have even made headlines on TV with my dating tales debated on Studio 10 and giving my two cents on Eurovision to the BBC.

When it comes to content strategy, I have assisted with the big players – Tourism Western Australia, Australia’s South West, Australia’s Coral Coast – in developing engaging and inspiring content for their marketing campaigns. Phew! That was a mouthful, wasn’t it?

It’s important to keep the mind fresh and I’m a big-time advocator for constantly upskilling myself. Happy to say, I am a proud member of both Kate Toon’s Clever Copywriting Community and the Australian Society of Travel Writers where I am actively completing masterclasses to hone those skills.

What you can expect working with me is diving into a confetti pool of ideas, an easy, breezy working relationship and most importantly, making your content shine on the digital screen (and convert!).

Does all that sound like your jam?

Think we can be a good Tinder match? Click right away.

I do not work to a set time zone (hello night owl here), so what is good for you is good for me. My desk is anywhere with good wifi and decent coffee. Oh, and I’ll swing you a Eurovision recommendation for your guilty pleasure Spotify playlist.

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Get in touch!

Our collaboration won’t just be professional, but it will be a fun one too! If you would like more information about ways we can partner up, contact me to get the party started!